Hiro Technology
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Since the issuance of the Bitcoin genesis block in January 2009, the world has been successfully developing this new type of distributed source system. Since then, many blockchains have been developed and utilized in various fields. There are two main types of blockchains. The first is a private blockchain. Private blockchains operate a limited number of nodes. This has the advantage of faster transaction processing than public blockchains. It is not possible to structure the perfect security configuration of a public blockchain, but despite this problem, it can be operated as a separate independent node, and the Foundation's private blockchain, which manages it, has the advantage of operating distributed ledger technology without additional costs.
The second is a public blockchain. The advantages of public blockchains are as follows. In terms of complete security of the data, it is tamper-proof and therefore addresses security vulnerabilities. It can be free from hacking, but there are parts that need to be taken into account, such as the operation of individual nodes by users and issues such as speed. Although it is a blockchain, many problems can arise in the operation of the system if the public value is compromised.
The Game Service implements swapping of Hiro Tokens, linking and bidding of NFT meta-information, and in-game item transaction data through interconnection with the DANGNN mainnet platform. Since DANGNN's transaction processing is composed of independent nodes that can process more than 10 times faster than existing blockchain platforms such as Bitcoin and Ethereum, it can provide results similar to the speed of game services in the commercialized market